Support Volti easily thru PayPal by clicking the “Donate” button below!

Volti is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, EIN 94-2699509.
Donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted under applicable laws.

If you prefer, send a check to:

P.O. Box 15576
San Francisco, CA 94115

or call us at 628.225.7533 to donate using your credit card.

Thank you!


Donating stock to charity is a good idea in many scenarios. If a supporter donates a stock that has increased in value, and if the donor has owned the stock for at least one year and one day, the donor will not have to pay capital gains tax. What’s more, the donation is tax-deductible if the donor itemizes their taxes.

Volti uses an online service, Stock Donator, to process donations of stock. Click the button below to learn more, and thank you for considering donating stock to Volti! Please consult with your own financial advisor; we are not experts in that field. 

Donate Stock To Volti

Volti is funded in part by foundations* and ticket sales, but we depend on your ongoing support to midwife the birth of new music, year after year. Over the years contributions from our audiences have helped us grow into one of the most critically-acclaimed vocal ensembles in the nation. We always present a list of our current donors in our printed concert programs – to all of you who have made it a priority to encourage the creation and presentation of today’s music, you have our heartfelt thanks.

Barbara Heroux
Executive Director

* Thank you to our foundation and government supporters:
San Francisco Grants for the Arts
San Francisco Arts Commission
California Arts Council
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
The Aaron Copland Fund for Music — Recording Program and Performing Ensembles Program
The Amphion Foundation
The Ann Stookey Fund for New Music
The Bernard Osher Foundation
The Fleishhacker Foundation
The Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Music Commissioning Program
New Music USA
The Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation
The Zellerbach Family Foundation

and donations from over three hundred adventurous, risk-taking music-loving individuals.

THANK YOU to all our donors!

Please join their ranks — help us continue to bring this exciting new music to life. Ticket prices cover less than half of our costs; we rely on donations from people like you to keep us singing. Any amount is appreciated! Thank you.

P.O. Box 15576
San Francisco CA 94115