Thank you to all the performers, composers, and audience members who helped to make our 2015 Choral Institute Showcase Concert a huge success. The house was full, and from start to finish, the audience was treated to the best that young minds and voices can conceive. Special thanks and congratulations to poet

Caitlin Hernandez and Eric Tuan with the Combined CI Choirs

Caitlin Hernandez, whose reading of her poem from the stage added extra meaning to the performance that followed of Eric Tuan’s amazing new work, Darkness and Slight Light. And congratulations to Eric–a young conductor/composer to watch in years to come.

Thank you young singers and conductors for pursuing your singing, your tireless work to bring new music to life, and to furthering the choral art. With you in the picture, the future looks so bright!


Click here to learn more about Volti’s upcoming concert “The Next Page” featuring 2007 CAL composer Amy Beth Kirsten. Don’t miss this amazing young artist on November 7 and 8 in Oakland and San Francisco!


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P.O. Box 15576
San Francisco CA 94115