Meet Soprano Alice Del Simone

Hello! My name is Alice Del Simone and I've been singing soprano in Volti for the last three or so years. In Volti I've found a community of artists who share my passion for new music and who challenge me to constantly improve my artistry and musicianship. But even more importantly, I've also found a community of wonderful and caring friends. 

During this period of shelter-in-place, I have been so impressed by the outpouring of creativity that I have witnessed from my artistic network, and I congratulate everyone who has found inspiration in these very trying times. My experience has been a bit the opposite. As the enormity of the public health and racial inequality situations we face become more and more clear, I find myself exhausted from worry for all those who are not able to stay safe, and for their families, and because of that emotional exhaustion I have found it hard to create art. 

However, I have found joy in my work with others, especially the singers of the Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir where I have been teaching voice lessons and music theory during virtual rehearsals. These young singers, many of whom have attended the Volti Choral Institute, are exceptional and hopeful. They are struggling to reorient themselves to their unexpected reality, but they are also reaching out to engage with their peers and their teachers. I feel lucky to get to share in their journeys, and I feel the importance of the art of teaching reaffirmed. 

For this iteration of Tune In, I share a video I made with fellow Voltian Eric Tuan for my application to Graduate School in Vocal Pedagogy. I'll be attending Colorado University Boulder in the Fall to begin studies to become a more effective voice teacher and a more nuanced singer. While that means I have to say goodbye to my Volti family for a season, I know that I will be back when the time is right, and I look forward to seeing you all at a Volti concert in the future. 


"The Night House" by Yu-Hui Chang


Why do we make new music?